Nadira Asrifa Nasution
Nadira is a research assistant at Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC). She has started having interest in energy issues since her last year of postgraduate school. Prior to work in PYC, she worked for G20 Presidency Indonesia, as an anlayst for various issues on economic, social, and development. Later she assisted research on public policy and economic development. She has been also contributed to working on academic articles and policy brief. She got her bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Political and Business, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, majoring in International Relations. In 2019, she has been finished her master’s degree in Master Program of Economic Planning and Development Policy (MPKP) FEB UI. She has research interest on Development economics, Public Policy, and behavioral economics. Aside from her professional job, she loves to do cooking, having coffee, and doing pilates on her leisure time.