Ahmad Munawir Siregar
Ahmad Munawir Siregar is a Research Staff at the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC). He holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Lampung University and a Master’s degree in Energy Security from Indonesia Defence University. Before joining PYC, he has been involved in various energy and Environmental research projects such as the Dynamic system model of electric energy availability toward popupation and land conversion in Padang Lawas, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Fuel Terminal Pare-Pare and Fuel Terminal Poso in PT. PERTAMINA Patra Niaga Marketing Operation Regional VII and Permit environmental of groundwater withdrawal (GL-05) at smelter nickel industry in PT. Mitra Murni Perkasa. He has contributed several research papers subject to energy for National and International conferences. Outside her work at PYC, he loves badminton, hiking and travelling.