Figure 1. Ms. Filda Yusgiantoro receiving the memento as a plenary speaker in “Satu Nusantara” discussion
On Tuesday, October 29, 2019, Mrs. Filda Yusgiantoro, the chairperson of the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center, was invited as a speaker in “Satu Nusantara” discussion plenary session. The discussion organized by some of the best high school alumni in Indonesia. The event began with Keynote speech from the 10th and 12th Indonesia vice president, Dr. (HC) Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla. He shared his experience when he was a student, professional and when he was in the government. He recommended the young generation to be ready for changes in the digital era and should do more action rather than just organized a symbolic activity.
The second agenda was a panel session with the theme of “Memupuk Rasa Persatuan dan Toleransi Terhadap Perbedaan”. The panel session involved speakers from various backgrounds. The speakers were Mrs. Filda Yusgiantoro, chairperson of the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center, Kombes. Pol. Johnny Edison Isir, former president’s aide, Putri Ayudya, TV presenter, and Putri Handayani who joined the seven summits mountaineering mission. In this panel session, Mrs. Filda Yusgiantoro emphasized the importance of triple helix implementation to pursue energy security by also prioritizing the affordability, accessibility, availability, and acceptability.
Furthermore, Mrs. Filda Yusgiantoro conveyed the importance of understanding the four pillars of nationality. The national pillars include Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika). In addition, the four pillars used to ward off threats from outside and from within the country that disturbs the sovereignty and integrity of the Indonesian state.