Figure 1. Pusat Studi Energi UGM presented “Community-based Energy Transition in Islands and Remote Areas” Books to the speakers
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center was invited by Pusat Studi Energi (Energy Research Center) of Universitas Gadjah Mada to the launching of its latest book, “Transisi Energi Berbasis Komunitas di Kepulauan dan Wilayah Terpencil” (Community-based Energy Transition in Islands and Remote Areas). The launching is held on November 21, 2019, in Jakarta. The book is published with support of 18 writers, four UGM internal institutions, and GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) UNDP.
The launching was started with the opening speech from Yani Witjaksono, National Coordinator of GEF SGP UNDP addressing her concern on the role of renewable energy for community development. In the next session, the keynote speech was delivered by Charles Meikyansyah, members of House of Representatives (DPR) Commission VII, representing Dr. (H.C.) Rachmad Gobel, Deputy of DPR. He addressed the urgency and importance of renewable energy and energy transition as an Indonesia’s strategic issue. The second keynote speech was addressed by drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Research and Community Service. She highlighted community development is always UGM’s value since its establishment and she highly appreciated the effort of PSE and the whole team in developing community by technology and social approach.
In the next session, PSE held two discussions related to the content of the book, how the energy transition done in islands and remote areas. The speakers of the discussions were Rahmawan Budiarto (PSE UGM), Yani Witjaksono (GEF SGP UNDP), Yudi Dwinanda (Expert Staff of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource), and Dr. Suprapedi (Expert Staff of Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions). The second discussions invited the project implementors of the RE technology development in Nusa Penida, NTT, Wakatobi, and Gorontalo. The discussions brought up the importance of social approach prior to the technology implementation.