Purnomo Yusgaintoro Center (PYC) is glad to announce the publication of “Ekonomi Energi: Teori Dan Aplikasi” as a masterpiece of collaborative work between Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Luky Yusgiantoro, Ph.D. This book is one of the most comprehensive energy economics books written in Bahasa and aims to facilitate academics, practitioners, and stakeholders in Indonesia about the fundamental concept of energy economics. Not only presents important theories, but the book also presents the most updated data and issues in the energy field, as well as unconventional energy and new-renewable energy.

Chapters cover various topics from the energy as an imperfect market, energy under the microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives, the energy project economic of scale calculations, externality cost to approach the environmental impact, investment guidance, subsidies, to the global issues related with energy seizure.

This book is now available and could be reserved through PYC.

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  1. hai.. buku ini dijual bebas kah? saya bisa dapat dengan membeli di mana kah? mohon informasinya yaa.. terima kasih sebelumnya


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