We have exciting news for all who are interested in the energy and climate field!
PYC will hold the “PYC Call for Papers” as part of our biennial flagship program, PYC International Energy Conference 2025. Join now and stand a chance to win a total prize of IDR132,500,000!
The global effort to combat climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy has underlined the critical need for effective climate finance policies. These policies are essential for mobilizing financial resources required to support energy transition projects, manage climate risks, and ensure sustainable development, particularly in developing countries like Indonesia. The intersection of finance, policy, and energy transition is crucial in achieving national and global climate goals, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of sustainable development.
This Call for Papers seeks manuscripts that explore the complexities of climate finance policy in the context of the global energy transition. This call aims to gather research focusing on innovative financing models, policy instruments, and financial risks and returns associated with energy transition investments. The objective is to provide a platform for academicians, researchers, as well as professionals to contribute their ideas in the context of analyzing and reviewing effective strategies to finance global energy transition initiatives and advancing climate action.
The main theme of the Call for Papers is “Innovative Financing and Policy instruments for a Sustainable Energy Transition”.
Focus areas for topics of the manuscript include,
1. Innovative Financing Mechanism for Energy Transition.
- Public and Private Partnerships in Financing the Energy Transition.
- Community-based Financing for Energy Transition (including Financial Inclusion and Indigenous Finance).
- Climate Finance for Energy Transition Projects.
2. Minimizing Financial Risks and Increasing Returns Associated with Energy Transition Investments.
- Stranded Assets and Carbon Bubble Risks.
- Impacts of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on Emerging Markets and Developing Economies.
- Derisking Instruments for Energy Transition Investment.
3. Minimizing Financial Risks and Increasing Returns Associated with Energy Transition Investments.
- Carbon Pricing Policies in Supporting Energy Transition.
- Regulatory Frameworks and Incentives for Energy Transition.
- Policy Reform to Accelerate Energy Transition.
1. Professionals:
- Practitioners
- Academicians (Lecturer and Doctoral Student)
- Researchers
- Government Official
2. Students:
- Undergraduate
- Graduate (Master Student)
- Call for Paper Launching : 24 January 2025
- Abstract Submission Deadline : 28 February 2025
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance : 10 March 2025
- Full Manuscript Submission Deadline : 12 May 2025
- Notification Manuscript Finalists : 20 June 2025
- Final Review and Editorial Process in IJE : 25 June 2025
- Manuscript Presentation : 22 August 2025
- Winner Announcement : 23 August 2025
- Participation in our call for papers is free of charge.
- The paper may be authored by an individual or a group of authors, with no limitation on the number of contributors. Registrants can submit more than one paper at the same time.
- The top five (5) selected manuscripts from each category must present their findings at the PYC International Energy Conference 2025 on 22 August 2025.
- After the announcement of the selected manuscripts from both categories, the finalists must proceed to the final review stage by submitting their papers to the Indonesian Journal of Energy (https://ije-pyc.org/) and actively participating in the editorial process. Authors who fail to submit their manuscripts to the IJE system will be forfeited from the competition.
- Awards will be given to five (5) winners and best presenter from each category, with prize money included. Prizes can only be claimed after the author completes the editorial process and receives an acceptance notification from the IJE.
- The paper cannot be withdrawn once it is accepted.
- Authors whose manuscripts do not qualify for the top five selected manuscripts are still encouraged to submit their work to the Indonesian Journal of Energy.
- The final decision of winners is final and deemed absolute. It cannot be rescinded under any circumstances once announced.
- Entries must be of original work and do not contain discriminatory or obscene language/content.
- The submitted paper should be written in English.
- The submitted paper must contain the title, abstract and keywords, introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion and references.
- Titles are written in English, Times New Roman font size 18, Font Bold, 1.5 line spacing.
- The full paper shall contain (i) the full name(s) of the author(s) without any title or degree, (ii) name of the department or institutional affiliation, (iii) email address(es) of the author(s).
- Abstract and Keywords
- Written in English, consisting of 150-250 words.
- Abstract should contain background, objective, method, expected results, and conclusion.
- Keywords are specific words and consist of 5 keywords.
- Written in Times New Roman font size 10, single line.
- References
- Written in full accordance with the references cited in the paper.
- Only include sources referenced in the paper.
- We recommend authors use a reference manager tool, such as Mendeley, to manage and format the references.
- Written using APA style: https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdf
- At least 80% of the references must be from publications within the last 10 years
- A minimum of 80% of the references must be primary sources, such as journals, proceedings, dissertations, and thesis (books not included as primary sources). If the manuscript uses a website as additional reference, please use the website from formal institution (exclude personal website/blog).
- A minimum of 60% of references from journal/publication indexed by Scopus.
- The full paper written in Times New Roman font size 11, single line spacing with before and after spacing 12 pt.
- The manuscript should incorporate a structured set of policy recommendations.
- Detailed paper guidelines: https://bit.ly/CallforPaperPYC2025Template
- Plagiarism below 15%.
1. General Guidelines
- Paper presenters (10 manuscript finalists) must create a presentation based on the given template.
- The template and guidelines will be emailed the day after the announcement of the 10 manuscript finalists.
- Make sure the font size is large enough (min. 24pt) so it can be clearly seen by the audience.
- Please submit the presentation only in .PPTX and .PDF files format to papercompetition@pycenter.org before 15 August 2025.
- Please use this format as subject and file name: [IEC Call for Paper] Title – Authors’ Name.
- For example: [IEC Call for Paper] Climate Finance for Energy Transition – Nisrina Fairus & Hizkia Indri Posumah.
2. Presentation Guidelines
- The allocation time for the presentation is 15 minutes. Therefore, presenters should adjust the number of slides accordingly, as no extra time will be given.
- There will be 25 minutes of Q&A session after each paper presenter finishes their presentation.
- Prize for each category:
Awards | Professional | Student |
1st Winner | IDR 20,000,000 | IDR 15,000,000 |
2nd Winner | IDR 18,000,000 | IDR 13,000,000 |
3rd Winner | IDR 16,000,000 | IDR 11,000,000 |
4th Winner | IDR 14,000,000 | IDR 9,000,000 |
5th Winner | IDR 12,000,000 | IDR 7,000,000 |
Best Presenter | IDR 2,500,000 | IDR 2,000,000 |
- Submission Method:
- The abstract should be submitted online through https://bit.ly/CallforPaperPYC2025.
- The full manuscript must be submitted through a separate form, with the link provided in the abstract acceptance notification email.
- Contact Information: For any queries, please contact Ms. Nisrina Fairus (+62-811-1888-932) or papercompetition@pycenter.org.