PYC International Energy Conference (IEC) 2017

Wed, 31 Jan 2018


Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) held the first International Energy Conference (IEC), with the theme on “The Future of Sustainability Energy in Developing Countries” on November 30, 2017 at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta. This conference aimed to be a premier venue for scholars and practitioners to discuss opportunities and challenges in the energy sector with the international community.

The event was opened by Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro himself as the host of the conference and followed by a welcoming speech by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, Mr. Ignasius Jonan and the 11th Vice President of Indonesia, Prof. Boediono.

After the opening ceremony, a plenary session was led by Dr. Arif Havas Oegroseno, Deputy Minister of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. The speakers for this session were Prof. Armida Alisjahbana as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy Studies at Universitas Padjadjaran; Prof. Akiko Yamanaka as the Senior Diplomatic Fellow at Central Asia Forum – Cambridge University and former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japanese Government; and Mr. Andrew Shaw as the Economic Counselor of the U.S. Embassy for Indonesia.

After the plenary session ends, there was the announcement of IEC competition winners from three different competition categories: essay, photo, and infographics.

For the essay competition, the first winner was awarded to M. Firdaus Al-Hakim from Institut Teknologi Bandung with the title essay of “A Contemplation of Geothermal Development. Case Study: Baturaden, Central Java, Indonesia”. The second winner was James Guild from S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore with the title essay “Powering Remote Grids in Indonesia”. While the third winner was entitled to Isnania Nurlintang and Muhammad Fahmi from Universitas Indonesia with the title essay of “Utilizing Decommissioned Platform as A Base for Renewable Energy Power Plant.”

For the infographic competition, Rowi Alfata, Rangga Hadiwibowo and Muhammad Al-Wafiy came as the first winner with the title “Geothermal World’s Huge Trapped Energy Hidden in Indonesia.” Hendri Fahrezi Akli, Irene Angela and Risly Wijanarko as the second winner with the title “PIZZA-Piezoelectricity: Zero Anxiety for Energy Needs”. Dwiki Syahbana Putra and Kautsar Muwahhid as the third winner with the title of “An Optimization of Clean Potential Energy on Hydropower Sources.”

While for the photo competition, the highest scores are awarded to Rofyan Sofyaman, Muhammad Bahrul Ulum and Widya Wisesa Pradipta for the first, second and third winner, respectively.

The infographic and photo competition each has the additional favorite winner, which was chosen by the number of likes on PYC facebook page. The favorite winner for photo competition was a photo taken by Dzikril Abdul Aziz, while the favorite winner for infographic competition was made by Hendri Fahrezi Akli, Irene Angela, and Risly Wijanarko.

Figure 1. The Winners of Essay Competition

Figure 2.  Infographic Competition Winners

Figure 3.  Photo Competition Winners

In the afternoon after the lunch break, the conference continued with the parallel session. In this session, presenters had the opportunity to present their research papers in front of reviewers and public. Papers were selected carefully by reviewers several months before the conference with the double-blind review process and those who passed can be presented in this session.

The session was divided into four rooms. The reviewer in the first room was Dr. Matthew Dornan from the Australian National University (ANU); in the second room, there were Dr. -Ing Evita Legowo from Swiss German University (SGU), Dr. Luky Yusgiantoro from Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC), and Dr. Elena Reshetova from National University of Singapore (NUS); while in the third room, there was Dr. Sharifah Munirah Alatas from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Dr. Inka Yusgiantoro from Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC). The following is the list of presenters name and their research paper title:

Figure 4. Paper Presenters and Titles of Research Paper

In the conference, there was also a paper poster exhibition. There were seventeen papers selected by reviewers, and a summary of the paper is displayed during the conference. The authors of the selected papers also had the opportunity to explain their research paper in front of the public. The following is the list of successfully selected papers for poster presentation:

Figure 5. Poster Paper Presenters and Titles of Research Paper

Figure 6. Conference participants are reading the displayed posters enthusiastically

Although this conference was the first big event for PYC to be held since its establishment, it ended successfully with participants left feeling that the conference provided them new knowledge and more awareness on the sustainability of energy.

PYC along with the entire management team would like to give thanks to all committee, student ambassadors, and volunteers. PYC also would like to give gratitude to supporters for their trust in making this event successful and hope that there will be another conference in the near future.

*The conference website can be viewed through this link:


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