Figure 1. Dr. Ibrahim Hasyim, the writer of the Arah Bisnis Energi book, gave an opening remark.
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) attended the launching of the “Arah Bisnis Energi” book written by Dr. Ibrahim Hasyim, a former BPH Migas Commissioner. The event was held in Patra Jasa, on February 21, 2020. The book, translated as Energy Business Direction, was written to give a picture of Indonesia’s energy condition and market. Dr. Ibrahim Hasyim also compiled Indonesia’s energy data and provided analysis from the collected data.
The event was started with the opening remark from Dr. Ibrahim Hasyim. Then, a book discussion was held with Sugeng Suparwoto (Head of Commission VII of DPR RI) and Faisal Basri (Economist) as panelists. The discussion ran interactively addressing crucial energy issues such as renewable energy law, nuclear power plant, and growth of energy demand.