Michael Suryaprawira
Michael is a researcher at Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center. As a young sustainable energy enthusiast with an engineering background, he is always trying to connect these two aggressively progressing worlds. In 2022, he acquired his ocean engineering master’s degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), a program in which he had also acquired his bachelor’s degree 5 years prior. He took tidal current energy as the topic for his master’s thesis where he proved that there’s a huge ocean energy potential in the eastern part of Indonesia.
His interest in energy fits well in PYC. Here, he conducts research on renewable energy not only from an engineering perspective but also from a social, economic, and geopolitics point of view. He is currently involved in a joint peer-to-peer electricity trading using blockchain technology research project. Previously, he was involved in several research projects with topics such as the impact of foreign direct investment in low-carbon development, and regulatory impact analysis in government regulations related to electricity.
Apart from his research, he writes his opinions related to energy security and sustainability in several media. He engages in energy-related activities such as moderating events and preparing materials for lectures and conventions. Academic-wise, he took roles in several responsibilities such as serving as a lecturer’s assistant, giving guest lectures, and thesis mentoring.
All in all, deep down Michael is a highly curious learner who constantly wonders and asks questions. He finds joy in figuring out how things work, trying new things, and working with new people. Music is his solitude and he plays instruments in his free time. He watches football on the weekends and at the end of a long day, he reads novels and non-fiction books where, as he turns the pages, he finds out that the more he reads, the more he doesn’t know.