Figure 1. Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center and Jaya Suprana School of Performing Arts in Pagelaran Kesenian Nusantara (Performing Arts of Nusantara)

The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) and Jaya Suprana School of Performing Arts supported Pagelaran Kesenian Nusantara (Performing Arts of Nusantara) event held by the Indonesia Embassy in Bangkok. The event was held in KBRI Bangkok Sports Building on Saturday, December 15, 2018. The exhibition was attended by 550 invited people and run fascinatingly for around 2 hours full of diffused traditional-modern music and arts. Each attendance was given a batik pouch from PYC and traditional Nusa Tenggara Barat scarf from Jaya Suprana School of Performing Arts.

The event started with singing both Indonesia and Thailand National Anthem accompanied by Kolintang music from Persatuan Istri Pegawai Bank Indonesia (PIPEBI). The next session was a welcoming greeting from Indonesian Ambassador for Thailand, H.E. Ahmad Rusdi. In his speech, he highlighted the importance of the exhibition for introducing the exquisite of Indonesia cultures and arts to the local and international people in Thailand. He added that the exhibition is aimed to invigorate the Indonesian people’s love towards Indonesia culture, especially for the young generation.

Following the speech, Golek Sulung Dayung dance was performed by nine dancers from Jaya Suprana School of Performing Arts. The next performance was a Kolintang music by Mr. Rama Wowor playing “Air”, a classic song by Johan Sebastian Bach, and Indonesia traditional song from Java, Sulawesi, and other regions. Then, an Iwan Tirta batik fashion show was presented by PYC representative from Indonesia’s senior model, Mrs. Enny Sukamto showcasing Iwan Tirta Private Collection (ITPC) dresses, fabrics, and shawls. The fashion show also involved Mrs. Sarita Thayeb, a Jakarta model, and KBRI Bangkok staffs. It continued by the performance of Armonia music group led by Mr. Bruno Wibowo, who wore mesmerizing Indonesian traditional dresses. The group presented “Dondong Opo Salak” and “Indonesia” arranged by Mr. Jaya Suprana. At the end of the event, the attendances were invited to dance Maumere with all the performers. All the attendances enthusiastically dance to the Kolintang music played by PIPEBI.

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