Figure 1. Keynote speech by Mr. Rudiantara, Minister of Communication and Information of Indonesia
On August 27, 2019, Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) attended Business and Economics National Conference (BENC) in Atma Jaya University Jakarta. This event was started with a keynote speech by Mr. Rudiantara, the Minister of Communication and Information of Indonesia. Then it was followed by a seminar that talked about the use of blockchain technology and its prospect for the financial and business industries. The speakers were the principal economist of Bank Indonesia, Director of Information System Strategy of Financial Services Authority (OJK), and Head of IT Governance and Compliance of Go-Pay.
In summary, blockchain is already used in the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending that could make the process more efficient by reducing delays, make quick approvals compared to conventional methods, eliminate the need for intermediaries, and bring transparency. However, the blockchain technology can not be used in Go-Pay, because it takes time to verify, whereas confirming payment in Go-Pay requires short time.
The event continued with a parallel session. In this session, PYC representative, Felicia, who participates in the Call for Papers event, had an opportunity to presented her writing. The event was finished with the research method workshop with statistical tool named R.