Figure 1. PYC team visited PT Surya Utama Putra, a local solar PV manufacturer.

The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) visited PT Surya Utama Putra (SUP), a solar PV technology manufacturer, at Rancaekek, Bandung, on January 31, 2020. PT SUP is a manufacturer of various solar technologies. The company produces a wide range of products from PV panel to solar PV applications, such as solar-powered cool storage. The main customers of PT SUP are government institutions, both local and national institutions.

PYC and PT SUP teams had a nice and fruitful discussion on both visions, challenges, and some policy issues in the renewable energy industry. PYC team also received a chance to have a factory tour and see how the solar panels are manufactured. PT SUP presented their way to push for more innovation on the application of solar PV technology. PT SUP has started research and development on various solar-powered technologies such as multimedia cart, cool storage, and vaccine storage. The meeting brought a new experience and insights for both parties to encourage the development of renewable energy for Indonesia’s better future.

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