Figure 1. A Glimpse of PYC’s 2nd Anniversary Event

To celebrate the two years contribution of Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) in the energy and natural resources sector, PYC held its 2nd Anniversary on July 13, 2018. Filda Yusgiantoro, Ph.D. as the Chairperson of the Center, opened the event by thanking for the endless support from everyone from the very first PYC launching up to this day. PYC held many activities in the past in order to actualize the vision and mission of the center, and these were displayed in the seven minutes short video right after the opening speech. The video started with the PYC’s inauguration in 2016, to PYC big events such as the International Energy Conference in 2017 and the Renewable Innovation Forum in 2018, as well as social activities like the Junior Chess Championship and supporting Kolintang to be acknowledged as one of UNESCO cultural heritage.

In this celebration, there was also a book launching titled “Ekonomi Energi: Teori dan Aplikasi” as one of the Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Luky Yusgiantoro, Ph.D.’s collaboration masterpiece. After nine years of long hiatus, the book was published. Both authors hope that the book could be an excellent resource for academics, practitioners, and stakeholders in understanding the concept of energy economics. Ten representatives from various organizations were called as guest of honors to accept the book; Dr. Kardaya Warnika as the government representative; Dr. Rachmat Sudibyo, Dr. Luluk Sumiarsa and Dr. Thamrin Sihite as representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) during the period of Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro’s in the Ministry; Vice Admiral Widodo (Ret.) and Air Marshal Eris Heriyanto (Ret.) as representatives of the The Ministry of Defence during the period of Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro’s in the Ministry; Mr. Mohammad Bawazeer as the Board of Advisory of Petroleum Engineer Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB); Colonel Yanif Dwi Kuntjoro Ph.D as the representative of Energy Security Department of Indonesia Defense University (IDU); Inspector General Pol (Ret.) Pamoedji Soetopo as the representative of National Defense Agencies (Lemhanas) Alumni;  as well as Mr. Charles Lambok as the representative of Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro assistance for the book.

The event then continued with the traditional tumpeng cutting as the symbolic meaning of safety and as well as the goodness of PYC in the future. There was also a surprise birthday cake for Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Mrs. Lis Yusgiantoro from their children and grandchildren. The event was closed with Kolintang – Koto Collaboration performance with songs such as Bengawan Solo. Mrs. Lis Purnomo Yusgiantoro, herself, also showed briefly her skills playing Koto with the song “Sakura”. The Kolintang-Koto collaboration team is expected to perform in Tokyo on August 2018 for the celebration of 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Indonesia.

It was a joyful and warm celebration that evening. Invitees hope that PYC will continue its dedication to contribute greatly to the development of energy and natural resources sector.

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