We gladly announce that Indonesian Journal of Energy (IJE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018) has been published. Thank you for all authors, editors, reviewers and parties for the participation and support in the process.

The chosen manuscripts are listed below:

  1. Decarbonizing Energy in Bali With Solar Photovoltaic: GIS-Based Evaluation on Grid-Connected System.

By Ami Syanalia, Fikriyah Winata

  1. Enabling Community Participation for Social Innovation in the Energy Sector.

By Ibnu Budiman

  1. Estimation of Indonesia’s Energy Demand to 2030 and Alternatives Scenario to Reduce Oil Dependence.

By Dwi Atty Mardiana, RS. Trijana Kartoatmodjo, Sugiatmo Kasmungin

  1. Multiple Challenges and Opportunities for Biogas Dissemination in Indonesia.

By Ibnu Budiman, Raushanfikr Muthahhari, Ceylan Kaynak, Fabian Reichwein, Wandi Zhang

  1. Redefining EOR In Indonesia’s Oil & Gas Industry: A Novel Solution to Overcome Lengthy Lag Time from EOR Implementation In Indonesia Post Gross Split Fiscal System.

By Steven Chandra, Sudjati Rachmat

Please visit the link below to access the publish online version.


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